Feb 7, 2010

My Another FunTilDaMax Weekend

another busy weekend that i just had...
its sunday again...
happy times pass soooo fast.......

friday morning at 4am...
me n SL went to Seapark for curry wantan mee...
sounds so wrong...
this stall starts its business around 430am in the morning...
believe it...
upon reaching there...
there are already few uncles waiting there already...
within few minutes...
more and more people coming...

his curry wantan mee

my dry wantan mee

first we went to 1u for some shopping...
lunch was at BBQ plaza...

i love their gravy...

its this shop's secret recipe mixed with garlic, chillies and lemon...
the ingredients of the set that we ordered...

the bbq-ing process...

next we headed to the curve to meet Daniel and gf...
walked around...
later Chanyip n Benghay joined us...

dinner was at Ming Tian, Taman Megah ss24...
den night joined them to go uphill...
10 person...me, SL, Daniel n gf, Vivian n bf, Chanyip, Benghay, Yeanshin, and Englai
2 cars...
reached there around 2smtg...if i'm nt mistaken...
back around 6smtg...
went for dimsums at Kuchai Lama...
no pictures for uphill and breakfast...
coz i was super tired...
i slept for 3 hours only on friday night

went MidValley for shopping...
but ended...
we had our early valentines dinner...

Friday's again...

at the Gardens
we ordered...
as usual...
ice lemon tea for drinks...its refillable...

we ordered 2 course meal...
Fried Mac n Cheese

and Southwest Adobo Chicken

we also ordered Friday's Chicken Burger...

food was okay...
but abit oily...
the waiter there seems abit blur case...
mayb due to it's a new outlet...

another busy and fun weekend...
with my stomach bloated with food...
shall start to diet...

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